Silent Uproar

Ghost Baby - The Rise and Fall Of

Reviewed by yewknee

Of the three post-Creeper Lagoon releases from Ian Sefchick, this is easily my favorite of the bunch. This is odd as these songs are considered b-sides, demos and older songs. It probably doesn't hurt that a few of the songs were floating around during the Creeper Lagoon heyday and, thus, evoke many of the things I loved about that band. Long story short, for the price, you should enjoy these little indie pop diddies... even if they are "incomplete."

Apr 11 2011

Monster Rally - Coral

Reviewed by yewknee

This was released back in January and I've been listening to it through the past few cold months and it's infuriating. The music within these sixteen songs embody summer entirely. There's something very breezy and beachy about it (though not, at all, in that indie Pitchfork band kind of way). This is backdrop music for sitting by a pool, an ocean or body of water of your choice. I will go ahead and promise this will be listened to with regularity through August without a second thought.

Apr 11 2011

Autolux - Bouncing Wall EP

Reviewed by yewknee

New Autolux music without a multi-year gap between releases? I'll take it. If you're a completionist you, obviously, must get this. The remixes are interesting but, on the whole, it's about the two included b-sides. "Census" is what I'd file under classic Autolux.

Apr 11 2011

Gruff Rhys - Hotel Shampoo

Reviewed by yewknee

I'll be honest, I have procured this record through questionable means. It's not that I didn't think I'd love it, but it wasn't out yet and I couldn't stop myself from hearing it immediately. As soon as the vinyl is released in May, I will purchase it and wear the grooves out. Much like the previous album, Gruff reminds me of Beck -- a fusion of so many things at once but never alarming and always wrapped in a perfect pop song presentation. Sadly, I doubt this will get the recognition it deserves, but I implore anyone who reads this to get the album. Legally.

Apr 11 2011

The Dodos - No Color

Reviewed by yewknee

The Dodos never deviate too far from the sound you expect of them. However, that sound is unique and easily the most sublime balance of pop music and a heavy sullen undertone. Additionally, the integration of Neko Case is perfect and a welcome addition -- despite some trepidation from the masses about her usage.

Apr 11 2011

Telekinesis - 12 Desperate Straight Lines

Reviewed by yewknee

I hope I'm wrong on this, but Telekinesis seems like one of those bands that doesn't get the recognition they deserve. Their whole sound rides the perfect balance between melancholy and upbeat pop. I am a sucker for this combination; especially when done this well. I often get bummed out on the state of indie rock and what bands get showcased by the likes of Pitchfork and the blogosphere. So, it's nice to see a legit pop-rock band like this plowing through and making another incredibly solid release.

Mar 15 2011

Smith Westerns - Dye It Blonde

Reviewed by yewknee

Wearing your influences on your sleeve can be a tricky game to play. Go too far and you're just a derivative mess. Try and re-invent the wheel and listeners just want the original style. Smith Westerns seem to have found the balance of the two. The songs are original, punchy and fun to listen to, but you can certainly tell what these guys grew up listening to. '60s goodness abound, piped through love-sick pop songs. I'm into it.

Mar 15 2011

Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die But You Will

Reviewed by yewknee

Mogwai will never re-invent their own wheel. They've got a style and sound that they embrace wholeheartedly and I wouldn't want it any other way. They do the post-rock, quiet-to-loud thing better than anyone else in my opinion. I'm a big fan of when they allow their loud moments to get very loud (i.e., "Glasgow Mega-Snake"), but they never cut quite that loose on this one. It's a solid, quality, enjoyable Mogwai release, but I do wish for just a little more of an onslaught somewhere in there.

Mar 15 2011

Radiohead - The King of Limbs

Reviewed by yewknee

I am totally baffled by why people lose their minds over Radiohead. This album is, as far as I can tell, yet another release of the exact same style that they've been doing for the past five records. For a band that is heralded as being so revolutionary with their sound they aren't exactly pushing themselves much further anymore. I guess I'm part of that snobby indie rock set that will always think OK Computer and The Bends are their best work. I am not a member of the Radiohead Cult and am really starting to wonder why anyone is. This album certainly isn't bad, but I feel like I've heard it many times over at this point; continuously rehashing familiar territory.

Mar 15 2011

Grouplove - Grouplove

Reviewed by yewknee

Right off the bat this has elements to it that remind me of Tim Fite, particularly in the vocal department. There's something snide and crackly going on that you'd think is off-putting, but it's quite engaging. The lead off track explodes into a huge chorus and guitar explosion — wild abandon, I like to call it. Good, solid, rock music has become such a rarity in my listenings these days and this is quite a refreshing excursion.

Mar 15 2011
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